Participant Stories

As a small, grassroots charity we are constantly evolving. However, we have many great success stories to tell; here are just a few.


In their own words…

K, Age 15 - 2024 POP Participant

“As a person I’ve learnt to follow through on things I do and not quit. Because usually, when something’s too hard I would just have given up and said no, someone else can do it. I think it’s also taught me to take on new challenges in life.

“I like to talk to the horse when I’m riding, tell her about my problems. Also, I think that it’s just nice to interact with the horse, I think it lets me blow off steam and I feel happier, and calm, and it just makes me forget about everything else.

“The thing about Power of Polo is it opens you to new things and new people, and I get to do things I didn’t actually think I would be able to get into, before I was working with PoP. And it’s just like a whole new world. I really think this has changed my life, because I’ve met loads of new people, I’ve made new connections and I think I’m going to remember his forever. Every time I go away with Power of Polo it’s such a memory and when I go away, I miss it so much. I can put all the things I’ve learnt with the horses and learning to play the game into my real life, like I’m not gonna be a quitter.

2024 POP Participants


Power of Polo Youth Leader Jhemar Jonas in Horse and Hound, August 2024


“I’d done no riding whatsoever before this week! I thought polo was very upper class, very rich, something that I would never get the opportunity to get near, that was my preconception. However, having seen the club here, and Cool Hooves Polo, and the way that Power of Polo’s run, it’s completely changed those misconceptions. Especially talking to the grooms. The first time I got on a horse this week I felt nervous…nervous as hell. I’ve become very risk averse in my life and this has pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, but the tuition you get, the support you get from the instructors, and everyone involved, it’s been absolutely phenomenal. You soon overcome any fear and it’s been great for me. The most important thing I will take away is resilience. When you go through life, you tick along, you get into your comfort zone, which is more of a rut really, and then you come along and you do something like this, you realise…wow…I’ve amazed myself so much this week. I’m eager and keen to get on a horse now. Resilience, confidence in myself…there’s so much to take away and I’ve got an amazing sense of achievement.” 


“I rode a tiny but a couple of decades ago but haven’t been near horses since. Riding again was nerve-wracking but as the days have gone on I’ve build my confidence back up, thanks to Power of Polo. I was apprehensive about the tournament today and didn’t have much confidence in myself, but it was fantastic…I even scored a goal! Very slowly but still I’m proud. It’s been fantastic. The best thing about the week has been meeting new people and being on a horse. The club, the people who’ve helped us be here…I’m overwhelmed by it all and I’m so grateful and thankful. Knowing that I can achieve things is going to help me with my confidence so much…achieve and believe! It’s helped me to be part of a group and a team again, which isn’t something I’ve done for a long time, and it’s been lovely. I’ll take so many positives away.”

“I did a little bit of riding many years ago, pony trekking in my 20s and now I’m nearly 50! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. For me, personally, it’s been a journey because I don’t have much resilience, I don’t get out and talk to people and I wouldn’t be here without the teams and the charities who have supported me. I’ve learnt patience, resilience, horsemanship…it’s been incredible.”


Past PoP Participants

‘A lot of things have happened in my life and sometimes I think is life worth living and ....being here its like changing my mind and being around the animals and being around the people. It’s like people care for me its like certain things, it’s starting to change slowly and its helping me manage..... like I was upset one time here and my attitude changed straight away as soon as people started to talk to me and I was around the animals and the horses and yeah so thank you for the chance to do this.......’

donte racqeul lucy wilson cliff andrew me ronnie eddie kennedy nadine clinton serge de brun front from left michael leon bryan jordan.jpg

‘I’ve never actually rid a horse before at all I never even dreamt about riding a horse.... when we first came to the field i mean we saw the horses and they were huge big heads very scared very scared to even stroke or touch the horse theres a lot of positive people around erm around the game of polo and the people that are involved in polo and you know like being able to come out from our backgrounds and be able to come here to do this is a privilege.....’

‘I enjoyed to see the young people kind of see a different side to life and get a better view and possibly get motivated to possibly do more than they’re possibly doing it really is that a chance to see how you can change your life and how you can move forward....’

Coming from different environments whether it be a rough background at home or having HIV, its encouraging to do something like this because... its like for the moment you are out there ... there are more things in life to do that you have not already done before....that opportunity makes me think I could do something with horses and other stuff because its a change...